
After 20 years, the Lions Club of Deloraine are no longer able to present the Tasmanian Truck Show and at this stage there is no event planned for 2025.

If you are interested in taking over the running of the event please contact Bryan on 0417 622 513.

The 2024 Tasmanian Truck Show was held on the 4th of February 2024 at the Deloraine Showgrounds.

There were 110 trucks presented to the judges and there were 21 utes in the ute section. Some pictures from the show are below.

The Tasmanian Truck N Ute Show is presented by the Lions Club of Deloraine, with the Deloraine Apex Club organising the Ute section.

The first truck show at Deloraine was in 2003, and after much help and encouragement by long time trucking identity Mr Errol Nothrop of Ulverstone, has now become an annual event.

It is organised by a committee of the Lions Club of Deloraine and recieves tremendous support from the Trucking Industry.

The aim of the Lions Club is to provide a central location for dealers, owners and drivers to display their trucks and to actively promote safety within the trucking industry.

Businesses associated with the trucking industry are encouraged to attend and display their goods.

Each year approx 100 trucks of all ages, sizes and types are judged and trophies are awarded in order for Judges Choice, Peoples Choice, Best of Make and Best of Type on the basis of only one trophy per truck.

The truck judging is between 8:00 and 11:30 AM with trophy presentation at approximately 2:30 pm.

Admission charges: $10 per adult, $5 per pensioner, children under 14 and drivers of show vehicles free.

Onsite catering provided by the Lions Club of Deloraine and Deloraine Show Society.